Cloud Cult "Feel Good Ghosts (Tea-Partying Through Tornadoes)"
It was ok. Cloud Cult has a lot of members and all of their sounds and voices are heard...I'm just not sure what to make of the ultimate result. Lots of different instruments. Definitely a chamber pop sound, just not sure how successful the pop music is. Favorite track so far is "The Ghost Inside Our House." Needs another listen. Indie and chamber pop fans, take a listen.
Jason Mraz "Jason Mraz's Beautiful Mess - Live on Earth"
Well, one thing is for sure after listening to this live album--Jason Mraz can afford to hire very talented backing musicians. Most of the tunes here are a little ho-hum, although I do like white-boy-rapping to "The Dynamo of Volition." The percussionist(s), vocalists, and definitely the horn players are really top notch. This whole situation reminds me of John Mayer concerts and any songwriter your parents know, like Bruce Springsteen or something. It's like, yeah, we all know the songs and now a ton of musicians are playing with you on a giant stage and it's this whole big spectacle. Maybe that's cool. I have to give Jason Mraz due accolades though for his voice on this recording: it's as if his brain has autotune to only sing notes that are harmonious in the key. If that's the aesthetic you like, you'll definitely appreciate it. [Also in case you read ahead in today's post, there's a LIONEL RICHIE cover: All Night Long.] There's a DVD too...didn't have time for that. Recommended for...let's say, Jason Mraz fans and teenage girls. And maybe your mom.
Various Artists "The World Ends: Afro Rock & Psychedelia in 1970s Nigeria"
Wow. This is such a good find. Two discs and 33 tracks of the sounds of Nigerian rock clubs in the 70s. You can hear all kinds of influences here, everything from funk, R&B, progresive rock, 70s rock giants like Led Zeppelin, and of course psychedelia. Almost all these groups are forgotten about, many of them only releasing one record. Many tracks are sung in African dialects, some are in English. Some bands are heavily influenced by James Brown, others by Jimi Hendrix. Others are in a league of their own. Some bands' African roots run a bit deeper than others; some even rid their sound of almost all African traces. There are some singles among these tracks and there are some not-so-singles, but it's all worth a listen. Recommended for 70s rock fans, African music enthusiasts, and guitarists.
Le Loup "Family"
Totally cool indie rock. Never heard of them before and got this CD on a whim. Five members but it sounds like more with the help of overdubs and musicians talented on multiple instruments. There's some world music influence as well; what African music is for Vampire Weekend, Latin music is for Le Loup. They're on the Hardly Art label, a Seattle-based derivative of Sub Pop Records. Indie kids, eat it up.
Lionel Richie "The Definitive Collection"
As with Hall & Oates, I always scoffed at Lionel Richie until I took the time to listen to some of his gems. We all know "Hello," the creepiest love song of all (accompanied by the creepiest music video of all), but this Definitive Collection also contains some Commodores hits that you forgot were also because of Lionel Richie: "Easy," "Three Times a Lady," etc. If you still aren't sold, put on "All Night Long" and try not to dance a little in your car (when there's no one in the lane next to you, of course). With that said, Lionel Richie's output and therefore this collection is way too heavy on over the top emotional ballads full of sappy language and 80s keyboard patches. There would be no Homestar Runner "Secret Song" without Lionel's help. But a couple of these singles will certainly have you Dancing on the Ceiling.
Weezer "Death to False Metal"
Yeah, except the New Weezer IS that false metal. Guys, this is your what--9th or 10th album and this is what you come out with? Now I just checked Wikipedia and apparently this is a compilation of random songs written by Weezer over most of their career's span that just didn't end up on any other record, so they put them on here. Yeah, maybe there's a reason they didn't end up anywhere. They're old news! As if Weezer listeners weren't bored to death by I - ii - IV - V progressions and their variants by now, well, here's some more! "Everyone" is probably the most interesting track as it takes on a decidedly darker tone than most Weezer cuts and the drums and guitar rhythms are most advanced and interesting. The final track, "Unbreak My Heart" (yes that one), is so disappointing. I'm a fan of doing covers in different genres but it was as if they just played the song in its simplest form on their instruments. The only way this album would be impressive is if it was written and recorded in one day, because it sounds like it was written and recorded in one week. Unfortunately....
Squirrel Nut Zippers "Perennial Favorites"
Does anyone else fantasize about becoming a member of Squirrel Nut Zippers as much as me? This ragged band of swing revivalists are as wacky as they are stunningly musical, as is obvious from these 12 songs on this 1998 release. My favorite SNZ song ever is the first track, "Suits Are Picking Up the Bill;" the introduction draws you in and keeps your toes tapping and shoulders swaying for the rest of the record. A good variety of styles (mostly swing, but also different tempi), and amazing instrumentation/orchestration/arrangement. Percussion is top notch, horns (saxes, trumpet, trombone, clarinet) are tight, and the vocals are strange but fitting. You get the impression that they are well versed and well listened in much of the old swing sound. Recommended for swing, big band, and jazz combo fans, as well as ska fans and, well, anyone who likes to listen to music and smile.
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